Wednesday, May 14, 2008


On Saturday night we found out that there are 5 new kids at the orphanage. We do not know anything about them or if any of them are "our kids". There are 13 families waiting for referrals and we are one of them. They said it will take a week or so to get the medical exams and history complete for the kids and then they will start making referrals. There are 6 kids at the orphanage waiting for the US embassy to give them their papers so they can come home, and the papers in the other offices are moving again. This is all good news for waiting parents as the waits have been long and the offices were closed for a couple of weeks.

On Tuesday night we found out that Chances for Children had received $8000 toward our in country fees and on Wednesday morning we found out that a check for $2000 is being mailed to Chances today. If you are keeping track, that is $10,000. That means we need only $3000 to cover our in-country fees due at referral. Praise the Lord! We will keep you posted.


Barb said...

Wow! What an awesome God we have! I am soooo excited! Thank you, Jesus!
love you all, Barb

Kelsen Family said...

How exciting!! It is amazing what God can do!! I'm so happy for you!